3 excellent short Motivational stories to reduce stress

short Motivational stories

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short Motivational stories to motivate you whenever you thing or feeling like stress, here we attach 3 short stories

3 short Motivational stories

short motivational stories

 Everybody Has a Story in Life

A 24 year old kid seeing out from the train’s window yelled…

“Father, look the trees are going behind!”

Father grinned and a youthful couple sitting close by, checked out the 24 year old’s immature conduct with feel sorry for, unexpectedly he again shouted…

“Father, look the mists are running with us!”

The couple couldn’t avoid and said to the elderly person…

“How about you take your child to a decent specialist?” The elderly person grinned and said… “I did and we are simply coming from the clinic, my child was visually impaired from birth, he just got his eyes today.”

Everyone in the world has a story. Try not to pass judgment on individuals before you really know them. Reality may shock you.

 Shake off Your Problems

A man’s  jackass falls into a profound incline. He can’t haul it out regardless of how enthusiastically he attempts. He subsequently chooses to cover it alive.

Soil is poured onto the jackass from a higher place. The jackass feels the heap, shakes it off, and steps on it. More soil is poured.

It shakes it off and moves forward. The more the heap was poured, the higher it rose. By early afternoon, the jackass was brushing in green fields.

After much shaking off (of issues) And moving forward (gaining from them), One will brush in GREEN PASTURES.

Potatoes, Eggs, and Coffee Beans

Some time ago a little girl grumbled to her dad that her life was hopeless and that she didn’t have the foggiest idea how she planned to make it. She was burnt out on battling and battling constantly. It appeared to be similarly as one issue was settled, another before long followed.

Her dad, a culinary expert, took her to the kitchen. He filled three pots with water and put each on a high fire. When the three pots started to bubble, he put potatoes in a single pot, eggs in the subsequent pot, and ground espresso beans in the third pot.

He then, at that point, let them sit and bubble, without saying a word to his girl. The little girl, groaned and fretfully paused, thinking about the thing he was doing.

Following twenty minutes he wound down the burners. He removed the potatoes from the pot and set them in a bowl. He hauled the eggs out and put them in a bowl.

He then, at that point, scooped the espresso out and put it in a cup. Going to her he inquired. “Little girl, what do you see?”

“Potatoes, eggs, and espresso,” she quickly answered.

“Look nearer,” he said, “and contact the potatoes.” She did and noticed that they were delicate. He then, at that point, requested that she take an egg and break it. In the wake of pulling off the shell, she noticed the hard-bubbled egg. At last, he requested that she taste the espresso. Its rich smell carried a grin to her face.

“Father, what does this mean?” she inquired.

He then, at that point, clarified that the potatoes, the eggs and espresso beans had each confronted a similar difficulty the bubbling water.

Nonetheless, every one responded in an unexpected way.

The potato went in solid, hard, and unwavering, however in bubbling water, it turned out to be delicate and feeble.

The egg was delicate, with the slim external shell ensuring its fluid inside until it was placed in the bubbling water. Then, at that point, within the egg turned out to be hard.

Nonetheless, the ground espresso beans were interesting. After they were presented to the bubbling water, they changed the water and made a new thing.

“Which are you,” he asked his little girl. “When affliction thumps on your entryway, how would you react? Is it true that you are a potato, an egg, or an espresso bean? “


In life, things occur around us, things happen to us, yet the main thing that genuinely matters is the thing that occurs inside us.

Which one right?

A Dish of Ice Cream

In the days when a frozen yogurt dessert cost significantly less, a 10 year old kid entered a lodging bistro and found a spot at a table. A server put a glass of water before him.

“What amount is a frozen yogurt parfait?”

“50 pennies,” answered the server.

The young man hauled his hand out of his pocket and concentrated on various coins in it.

“What amount is a dish of plain frozen yogurt?” he asked. Certain individuals were currently sitting tight for a table and the server was somewhat eager.

“35 pennies,” she said bluntly.

The young man again counted the coins. “I’ll have the plain frozen yogurt,” he said.

The server brought the frozen yogurt, put the bill on the table and left. The kid completed the frozen yogurt, paid the clerk and left.

At the point when the server returned, she started cleaning down the table and afterward gulped hard at what she saw.

There, put perfectly next to the unfilled dish, were 15 pennies – her tip.

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